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Burr Oak

you will see a beautiful tree on the Southwest corner of the lot. It is a Burr Oak. It is so huge and beautiful and distinctive looking, that the Society decided to have someone come and evaluate its health. George Warford, District Forester for the Department of Natural Resources, came and took a good look.

The tree has a circumference of 12 and a half feet, which means it is at least 220 years old, and could be up to 250 years old. It is 75 feet tall, which is shorter than expected, but that is offset by the lovely spread of the canopy.

The age is calculated by multiplying the circumference times the average rate of growth of a Burr Oak. Mr. Warford said that after the first 100 years the oak doesn't grow as fast, so it could be older. He diagnosed the tree as being healthy and strong.

Each year since they re-measure the tree. They tell us that this tree is the 9th largest Burr Oak in Iowa. 

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