CAHS has recieved a grant from the Warren County Philanthropic Partnership for $1486.00
This will go for much needed repairs on our East porch.
All the news!!
CAHS has received a grant from the Warren County Philanthropic Partnership for $1486.00.
This grant will be used for repairs on the East porch roof and soffits.
we are so grateful for their generosity and to member Robin Helton for submitting this application.
Hear the story of Civil War Soldier: Cyrus Boyd going from Palmyra to Keokuk to Shiloh to lose his Grin and see the Elephant in 1861-1862
Mark your calendars for a special program coming up on June 16th at 1 pm at the Randleman House.
The program is about about a Palmyra soldier in the Civil War.
Kent Halstead recently presented this program for the Des Moines Historical Society and is excited to share it with us.
This program is free and open to the public.
Once again BRAVO has shown its support of CAHS with an operating expense grant for 2024. This money goes toward our operating expense so we can use other funds for programming and maintenance. We are so thankful!
Membership meeting June 29th at 10 am at the Randleman House. As usual we will be voting on three open board seats. What is different this year is that we will be accepting votes from members who cannot be present that day. Stay tuned and watch your mailbox/inbox for specific details!